Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You know, I've learned something today.

We're all just red pandas floating in this endless sea.  :D

I wore this on Saturday when I went to my parents' house to help my sister get ready for her first ever homecoming dance.  Her dress was very cute, and refreshingly un-skanky.

Natural light:


Lid:  Fyr Red Panda

Crease:  TANF French Vanilla

Outer lower lashline:  AL endlesssea

Inner lower lashline:  Fyr We're All Mad Here

+Covergirl magical liner + Maybelline The Falsies

And now, a photo of my parents' puppy.  Izzy is a 6-month old St. Bernard/Border Collie mix.  She has huge alien-eyes, a thing for chewing on toothbrushes, and she loves to herd my mom's cats.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Open Minded Acolyte orders a 24 Karat Vanilla shake

Lid:  Sassy Open Minded

Upper lashline/crease:  ES Acolyte, lightly applied and heavily blended

Highlight:  Sassy Silk Sheets

Liner:  the Covergirl liquid liner pen.  Pretty sure I'll never use gel/cream liner ever again.

This one is over a week old, so I might be wrong on these colors:

Lid:  NYX 24 Karat

Liner:  ES Zombie smudged into top/bottom lashline

Highlight/inner corner:  TANF French Vanilla

I should've used some bronzah with this look.  Everyone needs more bronzah.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sassy Minerals Swutches

Mah Sassy order came in last week, and I swatched errthang (except the foundations) right away.  Then I forgot to post pictures.  :(




Foundations:  I didn't swatch them because it wouldn't be very interesting or helpful

Shimmer shadow samples:


Logical Choice is sort of satiny rather than being truly matte.  I dig it.

FREEEEEE SAAAAMMMMPLESSSSSS!  It seems that they coordinate them to go with what I've ordered... sneaky!  Which reminds me---I need to remember to lock my door tonight *shifty eyes*

A couple of looks using my fancy new shadows:

Lid:  Elusive

Crease:  Fate

Liner:  UD 24/7 in Rockstar

Inner 1/2 of lid:  Always a Bridesmaid

Outer 1/2 and part of crease:  So Over It

Crease:  AL Almost Midnight

Highlight:  Silk Sheets

Liner:  some olive green Prestige pencil

Cheeks:  ELF Studio Bronzer (the "golden" quad thingy)  so much shimmah!

Mascara:  Maybelline The Falsies

Not planning on wearing any makeup this week because my skin is on FIYAH and by fire I mean it's wacking out something awful; I'm breaking out all over my chin, around my mouth, and on my forehead, and the worst part is that I don't exactly know why.  I don't know, maybe it's the first symptom of a viral outbreak... all I know is that I'm craving some brains.  I mean ice cream.  Brains ice cream *double shifty eyes*

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Quick Niblet

before I flop off to work.

From a couple Saturdays ago (8/28 or something)

Lid:  Aromaleigh Shakeitup glitter over Pixie Epoxy

Bourjois Clubbing liner to tightline

This was a weird color combo.

Lid:  TKB Trading Mermaid Gold (yellow gold with a strong green shimmer)

Crease:  random Aziza II bronze

Highlight:  Aromaleigh Whitewedding

Liner:  Bourjois Clubbing very thinly on upper lid

Mascara:  I think I was trying Maybelline Falsies that day.  I didn't like that mascara at first (kind of clumpy/wet) but it's grown on me as the bottle dries out.

Silk Naturals Swatchesssss

I've been a royal blob lately.


The shadows are swatched in the following order.

Sizzle is srsly gorgeous.  It's a light, seafoamy blue with a strong gold highlight/shimmer.  It's very wearable.  I lurve it.

Gasp is nice for a unique highlight color, but I think I like it best as a light wash of color over the whole lid/crease thang for a nice neutral day.

Big Guns was a GWP shadow, a slightly pinkish antique silver.  I'm a sucker for antique metal shades--the golds and bronzes and silvers.  NOICE.