Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Questionnaire thing stolen from Sassy Beauty

50 Things You Never Knew About Me

I was bored at work, okay?  I've been mapping hot water piping all morning.  Also, today is a swearing kind of day, so please avert your eyes if you are sensitive to that sort of thing.  <3

1. What time did you get up this morning?
6am.  I got to sleep in!

2. How do you like your steak?
Medium rare.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Due Date.  Too many chick flick/romances out lately, bleh.

4. What is your favorite TV show?
Eff, I don't usually watch much TV.  Probably South Park or Tosh.O.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I need a tiny cottage in the middle of a meadow, lots of space to garden and take care of my animals, a van so I can go camping every summer and Mr. Mango to hold me back when I want to kill the other campers.  

6. What did you have for breakfast?
Peanut butter Cap'n Crunch!  MMMM!

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
All of them.  I really like authentic Mexican/South American and Japanese food.

8. What foods do you dislike? or rather don't prefer?
I'll eat pretty much anything except for raisins, butterscotch, white chocolate and octopus sushi (hurk).

9. Favorite place to eat?
Ryan's Bistro.  Teeny tiny place in Omaha with the best mac and cheese I've ever eaten.  Smoked gouda = jizzinmypants.

10. Favorite dressing?
Usually a light vinaigrette or something sour.

11. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
A 1999 Ford Taurus, light beige with a little rust on the rear driver's side.  This thing is a champ.

12. What are your favorite clothes?
Warm ones.  I usually go for my Teefury shirts and some heavy duty layering, tank tops and cardigans and scarves and the like. 

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?

I don't know, everywhere? 

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Doesn't matter as long as I have a cup.

15. Where would you want to retire?
Who says I'll even get to retire?  I'll probably have to work until I'm 70, maybe later, based on the way things are going.

16. Favorite time of day?
10pm to midnight in the summer for stargazing, then whatever hour sunrise is.

17. Where were you born?
Lincoln, NE, USA.

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
I watch my college football team, don't really care for sports other than that.

22. People watcher?

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Morning!  Hello, sun!

24. Do you have any pets?
Keanu Reeves the fish.

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
My swap partner on Craftster sent my package and I should get it tomorrow SQUEEEEE! 

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
Veterinarian/cat lady/artist, all at once.

27. What is your best childhood memory?
Spending time with my grandparents, especially when my dad's parents still lived on their farm.  That shit was seriously magical.  Reading books all the time was pretty awesome, too.  The year my sister was born, and the year we got my dog (he's dead now, but still).   Playing with our barncats. 

I think my entire childhood is one long, blurry, beautiful memory.  I wouldn't trade any of it, even the people dying and me being a lonely loser.

28. Are you a cat or dog person?
All of the above.  I think right now I want a dog more because I still miss my bff dog.

29. Are you married?
Almost.  :D

30. Always wear your seat belt?
Fo sho.

31. Been in a car accident?
Nope.  The closest I came was when someone backed into my car while I was driving through a parking lot.  His back window was completely frosted over and he couldn't see me, and his car smooshed by passenger doors a little.

32. Any pet peeves?
Grammar abuse AND grammar snobbery.  Many of the "rules" of writing are simply guidelines, like the whole "no ending sentences with prepositions" thing and split infinitives. 

The wedding industry complex.  No, I'm not having a color scheme or a theme or a seating chart for my wedding.  No, I'm not gearing myself up with all of your retarded sex tricks for the "biggest day of [my] life", since college graduation and birthing of children and career satisfaction mean nothing.  No favors because most people throw that shit away anyway.  No garter or bouquet toss (sexist traditions), no white cake or "groom's cake", no matching bridesmaids or telling them what shoes and jewelry to wear (what the fuck).  And it's going to be in a church because our faith is actually an important part of our shared lives, instead of all the people who never step into a church in their lives, never even consider the ramifications or meaning of HAVING a religious marriage, and just want to get married in a fluffy white monstrosity and walk down an aisle to the tunes of fucking Pachelbel's Canon I HATE THAT SONG. 

If you're not religious, by all means have a non-religious ceremony that is meaningful to you. Do what you want! It's awesome when people put creative turns on wedding tradition, and even awesomer when they toss traditions that they don't cared about! Just don't appropriate my shit because it's what you're "supposed" to do and it's what everyone expects of marriage.

And what's with all this stuff about the "wedding you dreamed of"?  Who the fuck plans their wedding before even getting engaged or meeting a guy?  Why is it expected that the pinnacle of a woman's life is when she chooses to commit to a single person until she dies, and that this day, this single day, should occupy her thoughts from the moment she learns to stand until she walks down the aisle? What kind of parent encourages their young daughter(s) to think about that shit?  And, of course, it is expected that the male couterpart in a typical hetero ceremony shall do nothing for the wedding aside from pay up and show up, because men don't give a shit about getting married and their only objective in marriage is to procure satisfying sex for the remainder of their lives. Men don't care about music or clothes or cancy pants food! And they certainly won't be interested in their own wedding ceremony, of course not. FUCK YOU, THE KNOT.  FUCK.  YOU.

Also people forgetting to take their laundry out of the dryer *coughMr.Mangocough* 

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Black olives, red onions, roasted tomatoes, mushrooms, hamburger (it's a weird lower Midwest thing).

34. Favorite Flower?
Snapdragons, oxeye daisies, chrysanthemums, peonies, hollyhocks.  Anything wildflower-ish.  I fucking love flowers.  I love gardening. 

35. Favorite ice cream?
Really good vanilla bean, or any of the flavors at Ivanna Cone in Lincoln. 

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
I don't really like fast food.

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

38. From whom did you get your last email?
The engineering manager at my workplace :( 

39. What store would you max out your credit card?
I don't own a credit card.  Never will.  Fuck debt.

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?

Wrote a novel---literally.  It's about pirates and opera students, forced weddings to sexy jerks, and a creepy stalker who really, truly loves and cares about the main character.

41. Like your job?
Yes, except it's not permanent.  I'm just an intern so I'll be kicked out in a few weeks to go back to school.

42. Broccoli?
Roasted with olive oil, lemon juice and salt.  Mmmm.

43. What was your favorite vacation?
My family almost always took long camping trips for our summer vacations so I have a bunch of favorites.  The ones I remember best are the epic Arizona/Utah/Wyoming national parks trip and staying in Glacier Park and Canada for a couple of weeks.  Lots of family time!  Gorgeous photos!  The glory of nature!  No phones, no cable, no traffic, no stores and NO PEOPLE!

I should have been a fucking pioneer or a hermit or something.

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
Mr. Mango.

45. What are you listening to right now?
The furnace in my office/trailer.  Too bad this thing has zero insulation and it's 25F (-4C) out.

46. What is your favorite color?
All of them.  If I had to pick one it would be green.

47. How many tattoos do you have?

48. What do you like to do when nobody else is around?
Dance like a fool. 

49. Favorite Movie?
What Dreams May Come, Inception, Milo and Otis (eff yes), Transformers: The Movie (1989), Star Trek (2009), Hot Fuzz

50. Coffee drinker?
Very rarely.  I don't really do caffeine.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Making up for lost time

I realized* today that I haven't posted in almost two weeks.  That's RIDICULOUS.  Although, to be fair, during those two weeks I was having some pretty epic breakouts (still am, actually) and I haven't figured out why.  They appear to be slowing down and disappearing, but it's still really, REALLY uncomfortable.

It's funny because when I watch tutorials (a rare occurrence) some of the people apologize for their faces before zooming in on this magical mini spot that looked like a teeny tiny freckle or something, and they cover it witch concealer and no one would know better if they hadn't pointed it out.  The stuff on my face could not be covered.  I think it actually ate the concealer I tried to put on it, and used it as fuel to produce more of its ilk.  My left cheek actually got pretty close to forming the bottom half of the Orion constellation, which was kind of neat and science-y.

Anyway, looks I did prior to the weeks of sorrow:

Inner corner:  NYX Champagne

Outer corner:  NYX Rust, applied very lightly

Lid:  NYX Jade, topped with TKB Vintage Blue

Crease:  NYX Iced Mocha

Lower lashline:  random L'Oreal HiP lime green

Highlight:  I don't even know, probably the same white-pink used in a lot of other looks


This one doesn't even deserve posting... but I do it anyway.

Lid/crease:  L'Oreal HiP lime green, possibly from the Riotous duo

Highlight/inner corner:  pale shimmery cream color, probably from my old ass Aziza II palette.  I think that's the oldest makeup I own, probably from 2002-ish.  It's sad that it seems so old to me, but I've had it for nearly half of my life!


This was actually a major mistake.  For some incredibly clever reason I put a fleshtoned shadow all over the eye area, maybe to enhance blendability.  What it actually did was decrease the awesome and amplify the suckitude of the colors used.

Everywhere:  NYX Highlight

Outer corner/crease/upper lashline:  NYX Rust (it looks so sad and pink in this picture)

Lower lashline:  L'Oreal Color Chrome liner in Gold Charge

Highlight color:  WnW white-pink, which was also patted on the lid


*yes, I spell things with a "z".  Unfortunately, I also spell the color between black and white as "grey", which is very confusing for my spell checking self.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This one's pretty blah

I just have a couple of super neutral looks from the past week or two that I need to unload.  MWAH!

This was done with a neutral LA Colors palette from the dollar store, I think it was called "Darling".  I used a pale pink on my lid and a light taupe in the crease.  That palette is 60% taupe/light brown shades.  It's a little ridiculous, but I won't complain because I like taupey-brownie-tan things for work/grandma-friendly makeup days.


NYX Iced Mocha all over the lid and crease, NYX Kiwi and yellow in lower lashline.  Keeping it simple.

Keeping it real.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I guess I've made somebody happy because I totes received this award from a couple of lovely ladies on the internet (hurr hurr, I swear I'm not creepy)

Here's the sitch, Kim Possible style:
1. Say who gave you the award
KittenMittens/Mindy and Sparkling Luna, you're awesome.

2. List ten things you like

-Visiting Kevin Bacon at the zoo.  Kevin is a pot-bellied pig that Mr. Mango and I found at the 'farm animals' section of the zoo, living in sin with another pig, a llama or alpaca (I forget) and some chickens.  We always stop by and talk to Kevin when she's squealing like crazy (I'm pretty sure it's a girl pig).

-Baking.  Food is wonderful.

-Crafting.  Making stuff is fun, especially if it can be worn or given as a gift.  Sharing, YEAH!

-My betta fish.  Keanu Reeves is the first pet I've ever had completely to myself.  I don't think he likes me very much because he attacks the tank walls when I come over to feed him, but I love him anyway.

-Lame old RPGs.  Star Ocean 1 and 2, Legend of Dragoon, Super Mario RPG:  Legend of the Seven Stars, Harvest Moon (the original kind of counts), Seiken Densetsu series... mmmmmmm.

-HOUSEPLANTS-- Darcy and Estelle, I'm looking at you.

-Books.  Calvin and Hobbes being my favorite reading material, of course  :)


-Drawing and working with watercolors--if art wasn't such an unstable career path I probably would've done that instead of engineering.

-Mr. Mango.  What can I say?  He's kind of cute.
3. Pass the award on to ten other bloggers

The Painted Mask


my tiger lily

Beauty from Another Planet

Cooking Chinchillas

Pretty Much Makeup

Sassy Beauty

Ashley's Face of the Day (I hope she comes back to blogging!)

Lady in a Top Hat (holy swatches, Batman!)

The Crow and the Powder Puff

I think I got ten in there.  I tried to pick people who hadn't received this award yet; got to share the love and all.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Homigoodness I can actually wear blue makeup

Whenever I've tried to wear blue shadow in the past it's given me the appearance of illness, under-eye bruising, and general whorishness.  That's probably because I've always slapped it in the creasular region, or tried to wear blue with other cool colors like royal purples or teals or greens.  It just didn't work, no matter what I did, and I'd given up on wearing all of the lovely blues and purples that I'd somehow accumulated, knowing full well that I'd only be able to gaze upon their loveliness in my makeup drawers.

I do believe I've bested the bitch this time around.

The right eye is actually a touch more color accurate in the second and third photos, I don't know what's going on with my camera.

But notice, if you please, how not-weird this is compared to that Mimi look I did earlier this year.  Gaze upon the flattering Ravenclaw hues, that row of sweet, sweet bronze protecting my delicate yellow skin from the harsh cold of the blue lid color.

In short, I am rather in love with this color combo and the way it works with my skin.  Today is a good day.  Except for the mascara, I don't know what the hell is going on with that douche, making my eyeslashes look all grey and nasty.  Urg.

Outer 3/4 of lid:  NYX Atlantic

Inner 1/4 and crease:  NYX 24 Karet (sic)

Highlight/inner corner:  WnW white-pink

Monday, November 1, 2010


Srsly, it's a good book.  Then again, I love most of Dav Pilkey's books:  Captain Underpants, Dogzilla, Dog Breath!, The Dumb Bunnies, &c.

I like children's books.  DON'T JUDGE ME.


I only wore makeup to go to church yesterday afternoon.  We spent the evening handing out candy to the chilluns at Mr. Mango's mother's house.  Her rotties were very energetic because we didn't take them out for walks on Wednesday OR Friday last week.  We actually had to put them in the basement to keep them from jumping on the trick-or-treaters.


Lid:  L'Oreal HiP Electrified (the taupey half) over NYX Highlight

Crease:  NYX Mermaid Green over NYX Highlight (keepin it subtle and stuff)

Highlight:  WnW pink-white

Leeeeeps:  Fyr Hair Dye lip lustre (lightly applied and blotted) topped with Revlon Super Lustrous gloss in Coral Reef


In closing,
