Friday, February 4, 2011

ZOMG Smells: Vanilla Forest

First scent review dealio features the delicious Camping in a Vanilla Forest.  A word of warning:  I am not good at describing individual notes in perfumes.  I can recognize scents, and I can tell you what they remind me of or how they make me feel, but there's no way I can tell you what EXACTLY I am snorfing at any given time.  Hopefully this will improve with practice, but I make no promises.

The website description via ZOMG Smells:
Holly says this scent is like going camping in a vanilla forest, and so we went with that. Imagine, if you will: your campfire sends up thick vanilla smoke as night falls upon your little party deep in the woods. The fire heats a chunk of old tree sap-- young amber in the making-- until it adds its golden essence to the sweet aroma. The night air from the ancient vanilla forest smells of rich earth and herbal secrets under fragrant fallen logs. In the morning, you will hunt black vanilla truffles.

Young amber, smoky vanilla, earthy patchouli and a hint of vetiver-green shadows in the underbrush.

Intriguing, no?  I've always seen vanilla as a sweet, foody type of smell rather than one that would blend with smoke and amber, so this should be fun.

Method Man

I've never tried to apply an oil-based perfume before so I wasn't sure how much I was supposed to use.  I ended up dipping the little wand into the vial and smearing it onto my wrist, then repeating the dip-n-smear again (for a total of 2 times) before smooshing my wrists together to distribute the oil.  The amount I applied was just enough to be able to smell  the perfume from about 6 inches away.

Official Sniff Testing

Immediately after application my wrists smelled very strongly of smoke.  It wasn't a burnt food or stale cigarette sort of smell, but more like starting a campfire with slightly damp wood.  There was a hint of incense that reminded me of the stuff they burn during Easter services.  At this point the vanilla was very subtle --- it was there, but not as a main component.  I also smelled browned butter, which was a little odd but still quite pleasant.

After about 3 hours the smoky layer started fading a bit and the vanilla became more prominent, as if someone threw a big bag of vanilla beans onto a bonfire.  The incense scent was also a little stronger without overwhelming the other things, and the buttery smell had practically disappeared by this point.

After 5-6 hours the vanilla was at its strongest and the smoky scent had died down to a faint smolder. The incense level remained about the same.  The overall scent had faded a bit by this time, but I could still smell it from about 4 inches.

At the time of writing I've been wearing the perfume for about 8 hours.  It's faded quite a bit now; I have to put my nose against my wrist to get anything.  Then again my nose is really cold right now, so maybe my sense of smell is deadened.

Overall Impression

I didn't realize it until I started writing the review, but the scent profile (or whatever) actually resembles the site description:  hardcore smoke/amber scent in the beginning fades to a soft, earthy vanilla with a smoldering background.  

I really like this scent.  I feel delicious while wearing this, kind of sexy without the high maintenance feel of heels or a dress.
Preeeetty sure I'm going to buy a full-size bottle of this.


I (barely) mentioned in a previous post that I was waiting for an order from the lovely, beautifully perfumed people at ZOMG Smells.  Luckily for me (and you) I received my SQUEEEES in the mail today!  I am very, very excited for this because I've never really tried anything interesting as far as perfumes go --- I've always stuck to very light florals, fruity and vanilla-y scents --- and I'd love to branch out into something new.

The package that I received contained a meeeelion Squees (1 mL sample vials), an invoice and a super cute thank-you note.

The Goods

I ordered the following 12 scents for my first round of excitement:

Marmalade Tabby

Vory v Zakony

Kuiper Belt Objects Unite in Vengeance

Camping in a Vanilla Forest

Jaeger 1

Jaeger 2

Jaeger 3


Pirate Queen (off duty)

Pirate Queen (on duty)

The Baron

The Nuremburg Pudding Incident

The ladies were also sweet enough to send some extra Squees in the package:

Sparkle Receptors

Space Bat

Coronal Mass Injector

In the coming days I'm planning on wearing one scent every day and write my opinions on each.  As these posts are written I'll be editing this page to link each scent to its respective review, which may be efficient and well-organized or awkward and messy.  Only time can reveal the conclusion to such a mystery.

The Technical Stuff

The containers seem pretty typical based on other experiences with indie perfume.  They have small, clear plastic caps that snap onto the glass vial, and attached to the cap is a thin plastic rod for schmearing the scent on skin.  Each vial is labeled with a foil-type sticker that appears to be waterproof.

The individual samples were $2.50 apiece and the Collected Works (set of 8 Girl Genius scents) was $24.  Shipping costs were reasonable at $3.50 for a domestic US order.

The website states that order processing time will take between 5 and 10 days; I received shipping notice the morning following the eleventh day that the order had been shipped on the tenth day.  The notice contained a tracking number, which was both good and bad because it meant that it would be way too easy to repeatedly refresh on the USPS tracking page and stalk my package.  Shipping ended up taking 3 days, which isn't too bad for traveling over half of the width of the US in winter.


Unfortunately I am unable to upload pictures at this time; I've somehow lost my camera case, which contains the adapter piece needed to load photos onto my laptop, and cellphone reception/wireless connection is total poop out here in the wilderness *shame*.  When I locate the camera case I'll be loading snippity snaps of the vials and the thank-you note.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Done been tagged.

The ever-so-amazing Kathy of spinster-in-training tagged me with this bad boy, and you know how I am with following orders.

By that I mean that I am excellent.  I love it when people tell me what to do.

SO.  Seven things.

1. I'm all about the Girl Genius webcomic these days.  I actually started reading it about five years ago, but I can't figure out why I stopped.  After reading this review at Ornament and Artifice I checked out ZOMG Smells and saw their limited edition GG collection.  I vaguely remembered some details of the comic, and after reading the scent descriptions I had to go back and catch up on everything in the plot.  sofreakinggoodhnnnng

2.  I almost always wear two shirts.  Occasionally, when it is summertime and therefore as humid as hatred, I'll wear a single tank top or something.  Typically I do a tank/cami underneath a t-shirt, which may or may not be under some sort of hoodie.  When I'm feeling really freaky I'll do two t-shirts.

3.  I love big families!  I'm the sixth of eight kids and my mother was one of fifteen so I have plenty of experience with large groups of relatives.  However...

4.  I am quite introverted.  I like spending time with people, but I find face-to-face interaction tiring; this is especially true with family members and people on whom I wish to make a good impression.  Being alone helps me to relax and recharge and all of that good stuff.

5.  Animal allergies:  I has them.  So far I know I'm allergic to cats, dogs and rabbits; I'm pretty sure I am also allergic to horses, but I don't have one so I can't test that theory right now.  *When I say 'allergic' I mean that physical contact (mostly with arms/face) results in hives and sniffing the animal leads to congestion, stuffiness, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and throat, the works.  I'm assuming this is a pretty typical allergic reaction, but it could be whooping cough or some other unrelated thing.

6.  Favorite TV programs:  Psych, South Park, Tosh.0, Modern Family (usually) and Wheel of Fortune.  I'D LIKE TO BUY A VOWEL.

7.  Right now I have the hugest boner ever for COD: Black Ops.  I can't stop playing.  It might be the beginnings of an addiction.



Beauty from Another Planet

the painted mask

Cooking Chinchillas