Friday, March 23, 2012

Many Geek Chic makeups

Lid/everywhere:  NYX Champagne

Lower lashline:  GC Continuum on the inner half, GC Inevitable Betrayal on the outer half

Liner:  UD 24/7 liner in Oil Slick

Mascara:  NYC Show Time, non-waterproof

Pretty sure I didn't wear any blush or lip products that day (aside from lip balm, naturally) so, all in all, a rather simple look in spite of the strong lower lashline.


Unfortunately this was the only clear photo I could get that day.  I don't know if it was me or the lighting, but something was off.

Lid:  GC Bad Wolf

Outer corner/crease:  very small amount of GC We Are Coming

]Liner:  possibly Milani Infinite liner, which I do not like


Eye closeups:  flash photos

Full face:  indirect natural light

Outer 2/3 of lid:  GC Yes, Sir

Inner 1/3 of lid:  most likely GC Exterminate!

Lower Lashline:  GC Inevitable Betrayal

Highlight:  same old crappy WnW light pink

Liner:   Physician’s Formula Eye Booster 2-in-1 Lash Boosting Eyeliner + Serum

Look at that face.

grump grump grump

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nailsies: Clovertreasure and the Hidden Four

**This post has been edited to correct the awful automatic formatting done by Wordpress.
Green nails for spring.  SPRING, I SAY!  And with a nonsense title, to boot.
I will admit---I was a leetle influenced by the annual St. Patrick's day frenzy, but I probably would have done green anyway because it's pretty much my favorite color, aside from all of them.


Unfortunately my camera was being a douche and decided that focusing on the bottle would be a better idea than getting a clear shot of the nails.  I'm not sure if this is related to the use of flakies, but it gets frustrating.  Fo sho.

alternate angle but still GREEEEN

This last picture was taking with my hand next to a window to get a different angle on the flakies.  I love the way they look against this shade of green. I'm not sure if the base of Hidden Treasure has any tint to it, but I found that the green polish looked a lot warmer on my nails than it did in the bottle, as shown above.

reeeeeally close to a window
2 coats of China Glaze Four Leaf Clover
1 coat of Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure
1 coat of magical Supply Source top coat (I have a massive 16 oz bottle of this stuff and I love it)

Friday, March 16, 2012

More things of Old

First I want to make you listen to this.  It's a complete recording of Smokescreen by Willis, aka the song from that sexy Fiat commercial.  This woman has an amazing voice.  It's like vaporized sex.


Makeup time!  Mostly old things from late January and all of February.  It's high time I got caught up on things so I can start sharing all the lip products I've been sampling.

Hint:  it's really not THAT much for a typical makeup blogger but I never thought I'd have so many lip thingies.

Lid:  probably WnW minty green (nearly identical to ES Wyvern) over Pixie Epoxy and NYX Mermaid Green on the outer half over the cruddy ELF Eyelid primer

Crease:  the powder portion of the ELF Eyebrow Kit thingy (a matte, ashy brown that isn't quite taupe)

Lower lashline:  ... TKB Trading Mermaid Gold on the inner half and more Mermaid Green on the outer, methinks

Cheeks:  probably NYC Smooth Skin Bronzing Face Powder (whew!)  in Sunny

Check out my sweet hat.


I have no idea when this look happened, but I know that it's the last of those awful ELF primer looks.  I feel bad smack-talking that product because it wasn't so awful when  I STARTED using it.  It mysteriously turned to utter crap after a few months of use, which isn't too bad for something that cost a dollar.

Lid:  lots of Pixie Epoxy topped with TKB Trading Mermaid's gold on the inner half, TKB Trading Taurus Orion

Crease:  WnW matte black, found in several of their palettes.  Yeah, it looks like THIS over the ELF primer.  SUCH A SHAME.

Liner:  UD 24/7 liner in Oil Slick


Finally, something with a properly functioning primer!  I've started using CoverGirl Intense Shadow Blast in Beige Blaze.  It's a cream shadow-primer hybrid and I really, really like it.  G of Nouveau Cheap posted a review on this product last year.

Lid:  Morgana Cryptoria Crow's Nest over CG Beige Ablaze (henceforth my primer in all things eyeshadowy)

Liner:  also new!  Physician's Formula Eye Booster 2-in-1 Lash Boosting Eyeliner + Serum (whew!)

Lips:  Rimmel Vintage  Pink, dahlink

I feel so pretentious.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

More old junk

More old makeup.  I don't remember all of the things I used in these, but whatevah.  I think these were both done back when I was still using the ELF Eyelid primer---hence the awful pigmentation on the brilliant blue eyeshadow.

Inner corner:  NYX Champagne

Outer half/crease:  NYX Atlantic

Lower lashline:  shit, I don't know

Lips:  Rimmel Vintage Pink

I don't even know on this one.  I think the lower lashline is NYX 24 Karet [sic] and the lid might be Iced Mocha.