Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Brief update

This seems to be something galloping around the makeup blogs these days, but this is just a quick update on my life explaining some circumstances that have led to  lower blogging rates.

The first thing, which really isn't life-related, is just a quick change to the blog's appearance.  I missed the simple, clean layout I had before (and the seagulls) so it seemed like a good time to sit down and fix that.  I've also added contact information to the 'about' page (really just an email address strictly for this blog) and to a widget on the sidebar.

Some of the things that have kept me extra busy lately include

-finishing senior projects for classes, which are just time consuming

-preparing for graduation (finally)

-purchasing a house with Mr. Mango and starting to pack some of our things to ease the move

-job hunting

-job getting

-secret projects

So there have been quite a few changes that will have permanent, or at least lasting, effects on my life.  I'll be an engineer working at Novozymes, which is a Denmark-based company that makes enzymes for lots of stuff.  The facility I'll be at focuses on biofuel production---basically making things that help make ethanol and other things like that.

More information on secret projects will come later, but at this point I feel more comfortable staying quiet because it may affect other things in my life.

The nice thing about all of these changes, mostly related to no school and yes work, is that I'll be feeling more inclined to blog and actually do stuff with my life instead of making engineering models.  The unfortunate thing is that I may be tired more frequently, and with a conservative engineering workplace in which a whopping 17% of employees are female (which is actually a pretty high rate) I'll be stuck with quieter, more conservative makeup for a while.  Thankfully I've been keeping it pretty simple with school makeup anyway so it won't be a struggle to adjust.

Yay things!