Thursday, August 23, 2012

Maybelline Great Lash Lots of Lashes, or the mascara post that was months too late

Back in March or so I decided to try out the Maybelline Great Lash Lots of Lashes mascara.  I was feeling frisky and I've had pretty good luck with Maybelline mascaras in the past so it seemed like a safe bet.

The thing that surprised me about this product was the brush; I knew it was going to be small and kind of funky-looking but I didn't realize how small until I pulled it out of the packaging and started playing with it.  Look at those tiny nubs!

I found the formula to be rather wet (tends to stick lashes together) but very dark and easily workable; it doesn't keep pulling product off when swiping the brush through already-coated lashes, nor did it blob ALL OVER the eye.  I only applied two coats and I didn't notice significant clumping.

It doesn't really lengthen lashes much, but makes the natural length more noticeable--that is, it coated the entire length of each lash and emphasized it rather than leaving the tips slightly bare, which is something that I've experienced in other mascaras.  This may be due to the slightly thinner/wetter formula.  It holds curl nicely.

My thoughts:  I dislike the brush.  Fo sho dislike it.  The narrow inner portion made the lashes along the inner corner of my eye stick together something fierce, probably because the 'bristles' are so short that they deposit too much product without combing through the lashes .  The thicker outer portion provides much better separation to the outer half, and the overall effect is a flared outer corner with stuck together, albeit thicker looking, inner lashes.  I love the way the longer bristles separate but I found that getting my lashes to look the way I want them to took much more time than I'm willing to spend on a mascara---doing this swatch took me around three minutes, which is too much time for me to spend on mascara.  I'd rather just pull out the eyelash curler and leave it at that.  At least the brush isn't so fat and huge that it stabs my eyeball.

This mascara actually works pretty well on the lower lashes if you're careful and take your time.  I'm usually not into time-taking and I blobbed mascara under my eye when I first tried it, but it was easy to wipe away with a damp Q-tip.

Other pros:  washes off pretty easily, good solid BLACK-black instead of a wimpy grayish color

Other cons:  maybe it was just my tube, but this thing flaked on me within the first week of opening it.  This was enough to turn me off forever.

I just don't think this was the right product for me.  I like thick, dark, dramatic lashes with a NON-waterproof formula that does not flake, and I understand that this can actually be pretty hard to find.  If you have full, somewhat straight lashes that take well to curling mascaras, OR like a natural yet defined look, this might work well for you.  It's cheap enough that you don't have to feel bad if the product makes you want to break a chair, and I've found that Maybelline is actually pretty darn good with their mascaras.  Some of them might not work as advertised but I rarely have a truly awful tube, just one that doesn't give me what I want.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Look Dump

These are mostly oooold makeups.  The last two are from before I moved out of the apartment three months ago, which in internet time is probably a few centuries.  I just wish my eyebrows looked that clean and shapely anymore---I've found myself getting lazier with my eyebrow upkeep in the past couple of months, even as I've started paying more attention to facial skincare and body/hair products.  It's like forgetting to mow the lawn or water the flowers in front of a gorgeously maintained house.  Things just start looking a little shoddy.

For the past month and a half I've been extra lax on makeup, altogether skipping it most days.  Part of this is due to the heat---somewhere between the triple digit heat, the humidity, and all that schweating skin makeup would just melt right off my face---and the other part is because of some insane breakouts from the respirator I'm required to wear in certain areas of the plant.  It looks like a standard half gas mask and it's almost strictly to prevent exposure to proteins that may cause allergies.  That's about it.  It kind of sucks because wearing it caused huge, painful breakouts right along the mask contact areas (chin/smile line area) and there was no way to cover them.  I mean, it's good that they require that because it's a safety and health thing, but that safety comes at a pimply price.


herlerl derp

Afternoon at home and grocery shopping!  I wish I could remember what I used for mascara because my eyelashes look smashing.

UD 24/7 liner in Bourbon on the upper lashline, L'Oreal lip caresse thing in Violet Chiffon, conceeeealer


I'm the worst parent

Some random post-work makeup derp.  I did one eye and got all kinds of lazy, and I don't think I remember anything used here.


I'm making brisket tacos for dinner.  Oh mah gah.

Just finished dinner.  Those brisket tacos were amazing.

I could eat them for a week.  They were that tasty.

I am 75% sure that this was done using colors from the Kat von D Gypsy palette for the lid/crease/inner corner and ... maybe the NYX eyeliner pencil in Moss for the lower lashline.  All I know is that I love that lid color (Frankie from the Gypsy palette) so, so much.


I miss this makeup!  I'll have to pull out my taupes and do more taupe lid + bright crease combos.

Geek Chic Continuum is amazing.  I love how intense this color is.

Old makeup is old!  This was before graduation, waaaay back in late April this year.  I absolutely love the yellow, though.  And I know what I used for eyeshadow, so that's kind of neat!  Or something!  Exclamation?

Lid:  WnW Nutty

Crease:  GC Continuum

Highlight:  crappy WnW white pink that was discontinued years ago

Mouth (see below):  clear lipbalm, possibly Brambleberry Rose lip balm (which smells like everything good in this world)

Awesome pie earrings:  made by one of my friends from engineering!  Girl be all kinds of crafty.


Yeah, there's the sexy face we all know and love.  And by we I mean maybe my mother.