Wednesday, February 17, 2010


1. How has your week been so far? Eh, it's a week.  Good things include receiving my Fyrinnae order (swatches coming up) and getting acquainted with my shinyshiny new laptop, bad things would be my upcoming Transport exam and Thermo assignment.  Blehhh.

2. Have you ever gone through an entire bottle of nail polish and bought a second of the same color? lolwut?  I haven't even half-finished a bottle before.

3. What’s on your nails? Supply source Silver Foil.  It keeps chipping and scratching.  Bleh.

4. What are you reading right now? Nothing at the moment; I tend to avoid recreational reading when classes are in session, mostly because I'd avoid homework and studying by reading obsessively.  :(

5. Do you do pedicures in the winter? ...never had a pedicure.  I don't like people touching my feet.

6. Where do you paint your nails? At my comp desk on the pull out tray.

7. What’s the last thing you bought? A couple of pretty hair things from whichgoose on Etsy.

8. Do you love it when we “spring forward” and it’s light out until 8:00-9:00 pm? HOOOO YESSSSSS  I love spring!

9. What is your favorite print or pattern (can be for clothing, furniture, or whatever)? Urrr, balloons or old 80's cartoon characters.  By the power of GREYSKULL!

10. What are your two fav color combinations? Turquoise + red and jade green + cotton candy peach + dove grey.

Do eet.


  1. I wonder if anyone will find you by searching for the tag "no i do not get pedicures"

  2. I would be quite pleased if that happened.
