Friday, April 8, 2011

Bewitched Silk Sheets? So Over It.

Because magicked silk sheets are so out of season.

Liek, for reals.

In indirect sunlight, no flash:

Indirect sunlight, with flash:

Outer 2/3 of lid:  SM So Over It

Inner 1/3 of lid + highlight:  SM Silk Sheets

Outer corner + crease:  SN Bewitched

Liner:  UD Rockstar wet with SN Bewitched

For the rest of the weekend I will be in Arkansas for a chemical engineering conference, so I probably won't have any interesting makeup to post. When I get back I'll (hopefully) prepare my massive Darling Girl swatch post and just slap that baby up. Oooooyeah!


  1. Ugh, I love this so much and just can't even begin to describe the colors. Gold-y/mauve-y/dusky-purple-y goodness, maybe with a tinge of rose? I don't know. But I do have a skein of Colinette yarn, and the colorway is pretty much 1-my favorite combo EVER, and 2-what you have on your eyes here. LOVE. IT!

  2. Thank you muchly! That pink shadow on the lid is way prettier than I ever thought it would be.
