Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Year's Makeup!

I was super lazy and never posted this.  I have been lazy in many makeup related things, to be honest.  I think I've been on a bit of a lip-product kick lately, which is a shame because my lips have been awfully chapped lately.  Makes it hard to wear anything.  But it is what it is!  I can start preparing for spring and figure out what lip balms work best for healing my sad, cat-butt-ish mouf.

Lids:  AL shakeitup glitter over Fyr PE

Crease:  both sides of the L'Oreal HiP Electrified duo

Highlight:  the same white-pink shadow as usual

Inner corner:  taupe from the L'Oreal HiP Electrified duo

Lower lashline:  ES Necropolis, NYX Candy glitter liner thingy in Disco Ball

Eyeliner:  Palladio Eye Ink in black

Eyebrow(n)s:  that NYC pencil liner in Mink or Sable or some animal-related name

Cheeks:  NYC bronzer in Sunny, applied as blush

Gum:  Trident Tropical Twist**

I ended up applying the tiniest bit of Revlon Peach Petal gloss after the photos were done.  I knew I'd be consuming various beverages and didn't want to worry about reapplying lip product or smearing things all over my face, so a nude gloss seemed safe.

**this stuff smells like a can of air freshener spray my mom kept in our house when I was in elementary school.  It was an orange canister that had a bunny on it, and the bunny was sitting on a bunch of fruit and there was this giant peach that had a bite taken out of it.  The peach was weirdly glisten-y and covered in dewdrops or something, and in hindsight it was oddly sexual.  Anyway, this stuff was supposed to be peach-scented and the way this gum smells reminds me very strongly of that air freshener, so I usually pretend it's peach-flavored gum instead of tropical whatever.  Anyway.


  1. ugh, you are so brilliant. that eye is AMAZING!

  2. Thank yew, thank yew. I like that it sits somewhere between neutral/safe and OH SHIT IT'S GLITTER.

  3. PARTY TIME (excellent)
