Thursday, November 11, 2010


I guess I've made somebody happy because I totes received this award from a couple of lovely ladies on the internet (hurr hurr, I swear I'm not creepy)

Here's the sitch, Kim Possible style:
1. Say who gave you the award
KittenMittens/Mindy and Sparkling Luna, you're awesome.

2. List ten things you like

-Visiting Kevin Bacon at the zoo.  Kevin is a pot-bellied pig that Mr. Mango and I found at the 'farm animals' section of the zoo, living in sin with another pig, a llama or alpaca (I forget) and some chickens.  We always stop by and talk to Kevin when she's squealing like crazy (I'm pretty sure it's a girl pig).

-Baking.  Food is wonderful.

-Crafting.  Making stuff is fun, especially if it can be worn or given as a gift.  Sharing, YEAH!

-My betta fish.  Keanu Reeves is the first pet I've ever had completely to myself.  I don't think he likes me very much because he attacks the tank walls when I come over to feed him, but I love him anyway.

-Lame old RPGs.  Star Ocean 1 and 2, Legend of Dragoon, Super Mario RPG:  Legend of the Seven Stars, Harvest Moon (the original kind of counts), Seiken Densetsu series... mmmmmmm.

-HOUSEPLANTS-- Darcy and Estelle, I'm looking at you.

-Books.  Calvin and Hobbes being my favorite reading material, of course  :)


-Drawing and working with watercolors--if art wasn't such an unstable career path I probably would've done that instead of engineering.

-Mr. Mango.  What can I say?  He's kind of cute.
3. Pass the award on to ten other bloggers

The Painted Mask


my tiger lily

Beauty from Another Planet

Cooking Chinchillas

Pretty Much Makeup

Sassy Beauty

Ashley's Face of the Day (I hope she comes back to blogging!)

Lady in a Top Hat (holy swatches, Batman!)

The Crow and the Powder Puff

I think I got ten in there.  I tried to pick people who hadn't received this award yet; got to share the love and all.


  1. Legend of Dragoon and Harvest Moon!!! I love them!

  2. Thanks for the tag!

    I miss calvin and hobbes. I really need to go get my own copies! The last time I read them, I was visiting the family and borrowed my dads copies.

  3. They are such awesome, underrated games. It's really a shame.
