Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's been such a long time


It's been almost a month since I've talked at you people!  I've rather missed blogging and wearing makeup regularly.  I just haven't had much mojo lately, but that's probably because I've decimated last month's mojo supply and have had to borrow from this month's stock.  Such is life.

First look:  birthday eyes!

Random peachy-blue look, aka 'why can't I make my eyeliner meet my lashline?'

Trying out my newish liquid liner when we went to the opening night of Inception.

Playing with some of my newer colors and stuffingtons.

Some mo' leequeed liner, just to see if things improved at all.

My Aromaleigh order YAAAAY!  I wanted to sqeeze in some colors from the Victoria's Revenge collection; unfortunately Mania's Locus was already gone when my order came through, but whatevah.  AH DO WHAT AH WANT.

All swatches are over TFSI.

Starting at the top, from left to right:  Cat's Pajamas, Private Lunacy, Cricket, Alyssum, Brazen & Bitter, Infernal Chaos, Cyanide Sorrow

Over some Pixie Epoxy we has Brazen & Bitter, Cyanide Sorrow (I think), Private Lunacy (SPARKLES) and Cricket.

Natural light


Look at those mutha-uckin sparkles, and the way Cricket looks like the bastard lovechild of a lime and a golden statue.  Hot diggity.

There'll be another post tomorrow with more makeurp pictures, mark my words and mark them well, perhaps in permanent ink.


  1. lmao bastard lovechild! :) man you're awesome lol

  2. Oh, these are all lovely - but I especially like the peach and blue look, just stunning!

  3. No, YOU'RE awesome! Mostly because you live in the same country as the Mounties and Nanaimo bars, and for this I am jealous.

  4. There aren't enough peach/blue looks in the world. It's like a softer, sweeter version of the majorly contrasty orange+blue, or a less prepped-out/80's pink+blue.

  5. hahaha! Now I want Nanaimo bars. Extra yellow schtuff!

  6. I love the icy birthday eyes :D almost as much as your facial expression haha

  7. I try to keep things interesting *shifty eyes*
