Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sassy Minerals Swutches

Mah Sassy order came in last week, and I swatched errthang (except the foundations) right away.  Then I forgot to post pictures.  :(




Foundations:  I didn't swatch them because it wouldn't be very interesting or helpful

Shimmer shadow samples:


Logical Choice is sort of satiny rather than being truly matte.  I dig it.

FREEEEEE SAAAAMMMMPLESSSSSS!  It seems that they coordinate them to go with what I've ordered... sneaky!  Which reminds me---I need to remember to lock my door tonight *shifty eyes*

A couple of looks using my fancy new shadows:

Lid:  Elusive

Crease:  Fate

Liner:  UD 24/7 in Rockstar

Inner 1/2 of lid:  Always a Bridesmaid

Outer 1/2 and part of crease:  So Over It

Crease:  AL Almost Midnight

Highlight:  Silk Sheets

Liner:  some olive green Prestige pencil

Cheeks:  ELF Studio Bronzer (the "golden" quad thingy)  so much shimmah!

Mascara:  Maybelline The Falsies

Not planning on wearing any makeup this week because my skin is on FIYAH and by fire I mean it's wacking out something awful; I'm breaking out all over my chin, around my mouth, and on my forehead, and the worst part is that I don't exactly know why.  I don't know, maybe it's the first symptom of a viral outbreak... all I know is that I'm craving some brains.  I mean ice cream.  Brains ice cream *double shifty eyes*


  1. Rave and Open Minded look awesome!
    My skin is also being batshit crazy. I even bought that clearasil ultra that I hate b/c it makes my face peel and that crap isn't working either. IT MUST BE A DISEASE!!!

  2. Gorgeous! I will definitely have to try Sassy. Thanks for posting!

  3. Most def! It's very reasonably priced, and I love getting samples in jars. The site swatches/photos are pretty bland, but they're lies.

  4. Nyeeeeesssss, the precious must be had! I think Sassy's best gold is Opening Night, but picking a 'best' gold is like trying to decide which puppy is cutest.

  5. That is quite unfortunate business. I'm not really fond of any of Clearasil's products because they never helped when I tried them. The stuff that I've been trying on my face lately is from the Mandude---some sort of dollar store face cream that feels nasty and greasy going on---and it actually works very well. Unfortunately it's generic and I can't think of anything comparable to recommend.

  6. Fate is gorgeous! I've never tried Sassy, I might have to. I am in need of some mattes to round out my collection because I'm so drawn to shimmer & sparkle shadows that that's almost all I own! I am debating getting an 88 matte palette from coastal scents-type place or order up some mattes from an indie company. I'm not sure yet what to do. The 88 would be easiest but if the 88 sucks hard then I'd rather have 4-5 quality ones for the same price, ya know? Do you have any advice?

  7. I wish I could help you, but I've actually never owned, or even touched, any of the 88 or 120 palettes. I've seen swatches of those palettes and it seems like there's not really that much variety; you may have five different greens, but they're all the same finish, and there's so much inconsistency in pigmentation. I'd (personally) go for the indie mattes.
