Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Open Minded Acolyte orders a 24 Karat Vanilla shake

Lid:  Sassy Open Minded

Upper lashline/crease:  ES Acolyte, lightly applied and heavily blended

Highlight:  Sassy Silk Sheets

Liner:  the Covergirl liquid liner pen.  Pretty sure I'll never use gel/cream liner ever again.

This one is over a week old, so I might be wrong on these colors:

Lid:  NYX 24 Karat

Liner:  ES Zombie smudged into top/bottom lashline

Highlight/inner corner:  TANF French Vanilla

I should've used some bronzah with this look.  Everyone needs more bronzah.


  1. So pretty! That Covergirl liquid liner looks great!

  2. It's nice for something so cheap. I didn't expect it to be easy to use, but them markers are the shit.

  3. Gold is awesome. They're as versatile like my momma is angry, and my momma is a rageful woman.

  4. Dude lady, I cannot stop watching jpmetz's videos now! Other youtube videos now completely suck cuz I'd rather see kid's book reviews by her. You showed me gold. puuuuure gold :D

  5. She's like a drug---a sweet, evil, snarky drug.
