Friday, March 23, 2012

Many Geek Chic makeups

Lid/everywhere:  NYX Champagne

Lower lashline:  GC Continuum on the inner half, GC Inevitable Betrayal on the outer half

Liner:  UD 24/7 liner in Oil Slick

Mascara:  NYC Show Time, non-waterproof

Pretty sure I didn't wear any blush or lip products that day (aside from lip balm, naturally) so, all in all, a rather simple look in spite of the strong lower lashline.


Unfortunately this was the only clear photo I could get that day.  I don't know if it was me or the lighting, but something was off.

Lid:  GC Bad Wolf

Outer corner/crease:  very small amount of GC We Are Coming

]Liner:  possibly Milani Infinite liner, which I do not like


Eye closeups:  flash photos

Full face:  indirect natural light

Outer 2/3 of lid:  GC Yes, Sir

Inner 1/3 of lid:  most likely GC Exterminate!

Lower Lashline:  GC Inevitable Betrayal

Highlight:  same old crappy WnW light pink

Liner:   Physician’s Formula Eye Booster 2-in-1 Lash Boosting Eyeliner + Serum

Look at that face.

grump grump grump


  1. Ooooh, lady! These are all so gorgeous! I think the first and last are my favorite - you are so brilliant at combining colors and doing the "pop of color on the lower lashline" thing. Swoon.

  2. Thank you much! Half the time I cheat and stare really, really hard at the eyeshadow I want to use to see what colors of shimmer/sparkle are in it, and go with that. Makes things a LOT easier.

  3. You have amazing eyebrows! I'm all about the eyebrows. lol These colors look gorgeous on you.

  4. Grumpy face, but GORGEOUS makeup! And NYX Champagne looks sooooooo amazing on you! I think I have it, but I swear it never looks that awesome on me. Tell me your secrets!

  5. Ahn, gracias, madam! I always worry about how they look since they grow unevenly and I struggle with over-plucking, so nice words are welcome.

  6. Champagne is such a weird color. Sometimes it looks really nice like that and other times it turns kind of... pinkish? Like a dirty pink, but not a pretty dirty pink. More like my eyelids are kind of hives-y and irritated from rubbing my face on Barkley.

    Anyway, I guess my only 'tricks' are to pack it on, then pack it on some more? I always feel like I apply a lot of it---not because it doesn't show up, but because I just feel better doing it that way. I think it's because it's pressed and I worry about not having enough on the lids to last all day.
