Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nailsies: Clovertreasure and the Hidden Four

**This post has been edited to correct the awful automatic formatting done by Wordpress.
Green nails for spring.  SPRING, I SAY!  And with a nonsense title, to boot.
I will admit---I was a leetle influenced by the annual St. Patrick's day frenzy, but I probably would have done green anyway because it's pretty much my favorite color, aside from all of them.


Unfortunately my camera was being a douche and decided that focusing on the bottle would be a better idea than getting a clear shot of the nails.  I'm not sure if this is related to the use of flakies, but it gets frustrating.  Fo sho.

alternate angle but still GREEEEN

This last picture was taking with my hand next to a window to get a different angle on the flakies.  I love the way they look against this shade of green. I'm not sure if the base of Hidden Treasure has any tint to it, but I found that the green polish looked a lot warmer on my nails than it did in the bottle, as shown above.

reeeeeally close to a window
2 coats of China Glaze Four Leaf Clover
1 coat of Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure
1 coat of magical Supply Source top coat (I have a massive 16 oz bottle of this stuff and I love it)

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