Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bastet's gone Platinum

Coming up with clever titles is hard.  ):

The first look was worn for errands this morning (groceries and a trip to the hardware store), and the second was my attempt at church-friendly sparkles.

Lid:  Fyrinnae Platinum

Outer V/crease:  Fyr Bastet

Lower lashline:  AL Winged Psyche, TKB Trading Taurus Orion

Highlight:  theallnaturalface French Vanilla

Mascara:  Rimmel Volume Flash

Lid:  UD Midnight Cowboy cream shadow topped with TSS Fields of Wisdom

Highlight:  TSS Drops of Moonstone

Mascara:  Rimmel Smexy Curves


  1. Love the definition in the crease in the first look :)

  2. I love the second look, it's so soft and pretty. And the first one is simply GORGEOUS. I want Platinum now!

  3. Really? I was worried that it would be too much, so I'm glad to know I didn't look like a ten dollah hooker. :D

  4. I'm pretty sure you NEED Platinum. It goes with everything, and that's no lie.

  5. Ahhhh! Both looks are lovely! I especially love the first one :D Platinum is a wonderful color isn't it!!!
