Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Tapir's Looking Glass

I love blue shadows.  Blue is one of my absolute favorite colors.  Unfortunately I almost always feel like Mimi when I try to wear blue on its own, so I try to keep it as an accent (under the lower lashline) or mix it with more flattering colors (pink, peach, green, purple).

Today I mixed it with burgundy-purple and sheer white for a trip to the grocery store.  The manfriend's cousin, as well as that dude's pregnant wife, are coming over tomorrow night for dinner, and I'm planning on making chicken teriyaki with four-layer dessert (recipe and photos will be posted on my foodblog tonight).

Super secret confession:  it was so hot and gross today, and I was feeling so lazy, that I decided to skip skin makeup.  I have the teeniest bit of concealer on my chin, and a little above my mouf, but that's it.  Oh noooooes!

Upper lashline:  Fyr Tapir

Outer lid/crease:  Fyr Looking Glass

Highlight/rest o' the lid:  SN Fire

Lower lashline:  UD 24/7 in Corrupt and Yeyo

Mascara:  Rimmel Volume Flash (it's getting old and dried up; I'm waiting on a sale at Wag's so I can pick up a new tube)

I'm so happy today, you people.  I would say that the sky is the limit but there is no limit to my joy UP AND AWAAAAAAAAY


  1. That pop of blue is adorable :3 I dare you to do a Mimi look. I dare you.

  2. It is done. D:
