Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Massive Photo Dump


It has been 2.5 months since I last posted anything about makeup.

It has been almost a month since I posted anything (excluding today's rush of perfume reviews)

I've been totally absent, and in doing this I have wronged you.

Honestly, it's been a great deal of laziness on my part.  I have hardly worn any makeup lately, maybe lipstick and eyeliner a couple of days but nothing post-worthy.  I also haven't purchased anything aside from mascaras to test out.

On top of that I bought myself a new toy and have spent my days doing this:  http://omelette-kid.deviantart.com/ YES I AM A DEVTARD I am so sorry

So anyway.  Summary of crap you don't need to hear.  What matters is that there are a zillion photos after this.  If you want any color info I can try to add it later, but I honestly don't remember very many of these.


  1. Love these! The first and last are my absolute faves, soooo good!

  2. Thank you! It's been ages since I've done fun/colorful makeup, and I really miss it.
